Cynthia Teo

cynthia_thumb[32]Cynthia Teo
Bachelor in Business Administration (B.B.A, with Honours) /NUS
Certified Brain Gym® & Edu-K Instructor & Consultant
Certified Touch For Health Instructor
Professional member of Edu-K Foundation/Brain Gym International, USA
Master Practitioner for NLP

Trained in
Rhythmic Movement®
Bowen Therapy
Emmett technique
D.I.S.C Personality Profiling
Enneagram Profiling

Cynthia is an International Kinesiology College registered Touch For HealthTM Instructor. She learned Touch for Health ™ from Matthew Thie (Director, Touch for Health Education & President of the TFHKA based in USA), and holds a Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy. She is also a Licensed Brain Gym ® Instructor/ Consultant, and has been in the local Primary School system for 9 years as a teacher, and was involved in Pupil Development as well as Staff Development.

News on her courses (click below):

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Upcoming and Completed Courses:

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