Methodology and Philosophy

The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y.

"When we only look at behavior, we stop seeing the child and only look with an intent to judge whether we need to reward or punish, but when we look behind the behavior, we see that little struggling human, who needs our help with something." - Rebecca Eaves

3 P.L.A.Y. is A Drawing-Out Approach that Minimizes Stress and turns each Obstacle into Learning Opportunity

3 P.L.A.Y. Believes In

  • The POWER of OPEN MIND to learn again


  • The POWER of LOVING INFLUENCE to make a difference

Based on Eric Erikson's Theory of

Psychosocial Development Needs

Based on Eric Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development, we prepare our P.E.A.R.L.S (Personalized Education And Refinement Learning Structure) and A.C.E. (Accelerated Curriculum Education) programs according to the development stages of your child.

Your child’s IEP is implemented in the perspective of independence, confidence and interactions, and he may progress from PEARLS to ACE as he achieve greater abilities, eventually to APPRENTICES to get ready for employment.

Your child begin with one of these level upon an assessment of his/her current state of abilities.

Children's sessions are designed based on their abilities, not by age.

Eric Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development

Catching Back Developmental Gaps

Getting the child ready to learn physically, biologically and intellectually using Movement Based Learning and Kinesiology Balances such as:

Brain Gym for dynamic brain activation.

Brain Gym® are techniques of movements, exercises, or activities that recall the movements naturally done during the first years of life when learning to coordinate the eyes, ears, hands, and whole body. Doing such movement “balances” often bring about dramatic improvements in areas such as:

  • Concentration and Focus
  • Memory
  • Academics: reading, writing, math, test taking
  • Physical coordination
  • Relationships
  • Self-responsibility
  • Organization skills
  • Attitude

Movement Based Learning techniques for focusing and comprehension.

Movement-based learning has come to be known in the neurobiological field as any brain-based learning that stimulates the growth of neural pathways through movement of the body.

Movement-based learning grew out of research revolving around kinesiology. Kinesiology is the study of human movement that encompasses biological components of movement including anatomical, physiological, neurological, biochemical and biomechanical. Theoretical knowledge of kinesiology is applied in many areas including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and vision training. The approach of these applications can be therapeutic, preventive, or high-performance.

Rhythmic Movement Training for postural and developmental gaps.

Rhythmic Movement Training is a movement based, primitive (infant or neo-natal) reflex integration program that uses developmental movements, gentle isometric pressure and self-awareness to rebuild the foundations necessary to help overcome learning, sensory, emotional and behavioural challenges for children and adults.

Rhythmic movements are gentle rocking and reflex integration movements that stimulate neural pathways and promote learning, emotional balance and ease of movement. RMTi is an effective way to help with symptoms of ADD/ADHD, learning challenges, autism and behavioral/emotional imbalances without the use of drugs.

Touch for Health method for posture, emotion and vitality.

Touch for Health® Kinesiology (TFHK ) is a system of balancing posture, attitude and life energy for greater comfort and vitality.

Touch for Health is a systems of healing that use manual muscle bio-feedback to determine which stimuli stress the body and how that stress can be decreased. It does not treat or diagnose symptoms, but works with the energy, habits and aspirations of the child, offering a safe and effective way to overcome energy imbalance and allows the improvement of performance in functional challenges.

Touch for Health is the most widely used system of kinesiology in the world.

Involving Your Child's Intelligence

Each Child Learns Differently

Howard Gardner's Multiple-Intelligence Theory.

Schedule An Appointment With Us

Pick a time that you would like to bring your child for an assessment or registration.