“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is grows up, he will not depart from it.”
This program has been specially developed for parents with children who learn differently or have special needs. The program brings together three areas of methodologies that can aid and empower parents in their journey with their children.
Under the program, parents will attend a 4-day Brain Gym for Special Needs (also known as BG170), an 8 hour P.L.A.Y strategy and a 15 hour RMT for School Readiness.
Brain Gym for Special Needs (BG170) Class
In Brain Gym for Special Needs (BG170), parents will be introduced to the Brain Gym 26 specific movements that can help to ready a child for learning to take place. In this course too, parents will learn to understand what they see and hear; set achievable goals for their children to succeed; understand the use of intention in their speech and; a set of movements, unique to BG170, called Building Blocks, which are used to build up non-existent or minimal abilities. Parents will learn about the three dimensions of learning that correlate to the neurological development of a child. They will be introduced to the Focus Dimension (comprehension involving the Back Brain); Centering (organisation involving the Midbrain); and Laterality (communication involving the cerebral hemispheres). Parents will be taught to notice physical posture and body language of these three dimensions to understand a particular child’s learning process. Ultimately it is to bring all three dimensions of the brain and body system to work together in order to make learning easier.
In the words of its founder, Cecilia Koester, M.Ed., “When learning involves the whole brain, we become active, self-motivated learners, able to take risks, explore new territory, and enjoy the peaks and valleys of the adventure at any age and under any circumstance. A child who has special needs emerges from her shell of survival reflexes and movement patterns into whole-brain integration.”
Find out upcoming courses at our online training hub Empwr2u.com here https://empwrwu.com/braingym/
3 P.L.A.Y to Breakthrough Classes
The 8 hour P.L.A.Y strategy focuses on developing parents’ knowledge about the natural process of a child’s physiological as well as psychological development. It also highlights appropriate movement based learning that can springboard a child’s learning. The strategy teaches techniques that will empower parents to help their children overcome and triumphed against their challenges. An important part of this strategy is about creating conducive learning environments for a child to work through particular challenges to achieve Independence, Confidence and Interaction with Others ( I.C.I. ). Parents will be guided to support their children in their journey in relaxed and hopeful ways.
Lesson 1: Overview of Breakthru Approach: Practical Coaching Strategies for children who learn differently.
1. The discovery of P.L.A.Y Strategies.
2. Important of noticing process
3. Successful cases using P.L.A.Y Strategies.
Lesson 2: P.L.A.Y Strategies Part 1
1. Be Presence
2. Listen
3. Acknowledge
4. Yeah!!
Lesson 3: P.L.A.Y Strategies Part 2
1. Plan
2. Language
3. Appreciation
4. Yeah!!
Lesson 4: P.L.A.Y Strategies Part 3
1. Progress
2. Lead
3. Aspire
4. Yeah!!
Find out more about this class schedule at our online training hub Empwr2u.com https://empwr2u.com/3play/
RMT for School Readiness Class
1-to-1 Consultation or Child Assessment sessions
A one-hour special discussion session with you and a child demonstration. You shall see how the techniques and strategies can be used in real life situation.
Prior apppointment can be made at https://breakthru.com.my/aaa/
Coaching Approach
Breakthru Academy has a pool of experienced teachers, trained, certified and licensed to conduct Brain Gym for Special Needs, P.L.A.Y Strategies and RMT for School Readiness.
Sign up all the classes together and get 11% discount on total fee and a bonus.