Our Story

Breakthru Story 1,2,3…and 4. And 5.


1. The Genesis

Breakthru Kids was founded in 2008 to provide one to one support and holiday camps, with the desire to encourage partnership with parents and siblings for children who learn differently or with  special needs. Yet, there seems to be something missing. The children progressed well in the presence of a consultant. Alas! In their home environment they behaved differently, especially when it comes to handling their emotional and behavioural challenges. Which leads to the formation of Breakthru Enrichment Station.

2. Gathering The Team
As The Need Grows

Creative Problem Solving with MTa Learning and 1st Stay Out Camp at Eco Resort 2010

Breakthru Enrichment Station which was founded in December 2009 to provide a therapeutic environment for group learning with breakthrough process. In this environment, the children of different abilities and challenges were given longer time, space and opportunity to explore themselves and develop in the three very important areas i.e. independence, confidence and interaction. Along with the original desire of partnering with parents, care givers and siblings continued to enhance the speed and level of breakthrough. Many families who believed and stayed on long enough with the process, witnessed tremendous transformation in their child’s life. However, there seems still something missing as our greatest desire was to be able to include these children to be successful, valuable citizens and be blessings to others. So the theme for introducing outsiders began………….

We are happy that at the Breakthru Enrichment Station, we provide opportunities of internship for university and college students. This internship process gives the student interns to experience, to learn great and valuable lessons directly from our children who learn differently and also give our children the opportunity to interact with them. A safe experience on how to interact with somebody outside their regular contacts have taken place.

We desire to provide these children with the opportunity to experience real world with appropriate support. However, we face limitations such as short of funds, facilities,  resources, expertise etc. With these limitations, we have developed apprentice experiences for the children and teenagers at the centre. Thus focusing on empowering our own children to support one another and the facilitators, this way we continue to grow and develop. This year 2015, Phoebe Long is undertaking the process of consolidating the Breakthru Approach through successful coaching strategy for families with children who learn differently using P.L.A.Y. in the Breakthru Approach. We firmly believe that our children will shine brighter and brighter as each year comes by.

May everyone who meets them value them as precious as diamond. Breakthru desires to continue to grow and develop together with these children and their families.

3. Sharing Our Knowledge
Building Professionals

Breakthru Academy was founded in  October 2014 to provide a professional platform where experts, authors and professionals constantly meet to upgrade, exchange, network to better equip the centre’s facilitators, families and the community. We now have the privilege to provide international certified courses to counsellors nationwide through collaboration with Social Welfare Department from the month of August 2015 locally. We are now making our presence felt at the international level, we conducted various courses for the organisers in the countries like Canada, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan and Spain. We look forward for more opportunities to collaborate with various institutions to share our expertise.

Rhythmic Movement Training Level 1 International Course – Hong Kong 2012

This Academy also desire to provide a place for the children who learn differently to be trained professionally.

Breakthru journey continues! Whenever and wherever we find something missing… our search for solutions begins….

4. Care for the Special Need Community

In year 2018, P.A.C.E. Association (Parents And Community Empowerment) was founded jointly with Breakthru Academy to provide support and training to parents with special needs children. Initiated by Ms Phoebe Long, PACE is an non-profit organization that fits the unique role of seeking finance and sponsorship for families to acquire quality intervention and education for their children.

It also provides networking and volunteer opportunities for individuals that has direct involvement in upbringing and development of special needs children or young adults, or wish to bring themselves to the next level with empowering skill-sets.

5. The Next Generation

After 9 years of serving the special needs community together with a team of wonderful, dedicated and hardworking facilitators, we are now recruiting the next generation of team mates! With a new people, new program structure and new syllabus for English, Numbers and Science, we are introducing the next generation of Breakthru 2.0 in 2019.

We are excited with this new transformation, and invites you to join us in this amazing journey. If you are a parent, do check out our new program structure here. If you are a special need educator / facilitator, and wanted to make a difference in families with special needs children , you are welcome to send in your resume and lets have a chat about your future with us!

All resume please send to this email: yuchiet@hotmail.com.