Programs for Special Education Needs
One to One Goal Refinement in P.E.A.R.L.S.
Group Functional Learning in A.C.E.
Designed based on Child's Psychosocial Developmental Needs
Depending on your child, he/she may need a safe personal space to work on their challenges. As they develop independence and readiness for table top learning, he/she will be facilitated to develop his/her confidence and interactive abilities. A peer group provides the best opportunity to learn together with a multi-curriculum syllabus. He/she will have sessions to work on his/her personal challenges in a whole new dimension!
Follows government schooling holidays.
OFBI Assessment & Goal Setting
Parental Coaching
Movement Based Learning
Sensory PLAY
Join Group Activities
Child-Directed PLAY (Montessori inspired)
Library Reading (by Child’s Need)
Assessment With Phoebe
End of 10 Sessions Review
Physio Therapy
Occupational Therapy
OFBI Assessment & Goal Setting
Parental Coaching
Movement Based Learning
LittleSEED English
Breakthru Numbers
Experiential Science
Weekly Outing
PFM Parents Facilitator Meetings
Annual BESTCafe/Carnival
Annual Telematch Day
Annual Story Telling Day
Annual Talent Time & Awards Day
Physio Therapy
Occupational Therapy
OFBI Assessment & Goal Setting
Parental Coaching
Movement Based Learning
GrapeSEED English
Breakthru Numbers
Cambridge Science
Weekly Outing
Afternoon Programs until 3pm
Cook-up PLAY
Double Doodle PLAY
Dance PLAY
PFM Parents Facilitator Meetings
Annual BESTCafe/Carnival
Annual Telematch Day
Annual Story Telling Day
Annual Talent Time & Awards Day
Learning Readiness Brain Gym P.A.C.E.
GrapeSEED English
PFM Parents Facilitator Meetings
Join Annual Story Telling Day
Programs for Work Readiness
Apprentice and
Vocational Skills Programs
Designed to Provide a Transition to Working Life.
Our apprentice program provides the child an environment to learn the right knowledge, skills and attitude to be a relevant and responsible worker. A child learns how to work alongside facilitators and actual company workers as their mentors in a real working environment. Collaborating with organization that provide job opportunities, our child have the opportunity to work outside of the centre in addition to opportunities within the centre.
This programs follows normal working hours.
Lunch is inclusive.
Individualized Goals
Movement Based Learning
Be coached to use movement-based techniques such as Movement Based Learning, Brain Gym and Rhythmic Movement Training for self-integration
GrapeSEED English
Breakthru Numbers
Cambridge Science
Be trained as class assistant and demonstrate GrapeSEED English, Breakthru Numbers, Cambridge Science, outing and Afternoon P.L.A.Y. in A.C.E. Full Day Program
Double Doodle PLAY
Learn to prepare for Double Doodle PLAY and demonstrate it in class.
Be supervised on daily written report submission
Be supervised on assigned daily task
Be supervised on graduation projects
Receive movement-based kinesiology balance monthly
Daily Lunch
2-day official GrapeSEED Training at GrapeCity
Public Exhibition and School Visits
Opportunity for on-the-job public exposure – eg. in public exhibition, outstation school talk, sales booth
PFM (Parents Facilitator Meetings) with you
Annual Events
Assist in Planning and Preparation for BEST Telematch, Café/Carnival, Story Telling and Talent Time & Awards Giving Day
Monthly allowance RM400 rebate to apprentice
Individualized Goals
Planning for long term and short term goals for skill-set learning
Learn how to bake cakes and buns with commercial standard
Be trained as a cook in preparing food and cuisines with commercial standard
Learn to use, design, and animate in PowerPoint software for presentations
Equipping Parents To Help Their Child
Parents Coaching
and Entrepreneurship Programs
You Are Your Child's Best Partner
We all need some help from one another on all things. At Breakthru, we are prepared to share all we know to parents in order for them to be their child's best partner in learning. These programs are planned and shared in a systematic way that parents can learn easily. Parents will also be given a certificate of achievement for their learning.
We also provide specific vocational skills for your child to start his/her own business, with you as their major investor!
Parents Coaching Program is run by Breakthru Academy
Entrepreneur Program is run by Breakthru Gourmet
Brain Gym for Special Needs Provider BG170
International Certified 32-hour class
Movement Based Learning
International Certified 8-hour class
Rhythmic Movement Training for School Readiness
International Certified 16-hour class
3-P.L.A.Y. Breakthru Approach for Parents
The drawing-out approach in turning each unpleasant moments into learning opportunity
1 to 1 Parenting Consultation Session
Talent Incubators
On-Demand Afternoon Programmes Coached by Professionals
What Parents Say
“The activities improved his expressive vocabulary, reading and writing. He can now communicate with others, understand instructions, is generally more obedient and likes to participate in activities.
Chong W.M. Jin Hao's Dad
Christine Jeremy's Mom
He was calmer and a lot less angry. We noticed an amazing change in him. My daughter also noticed much improvement in her brother. For the first time, he initiated a conversation with her by saying “How to play?”
Ms Chiew Fu Yen's Mom
Our relatives were impressed by my daughter’s ability to read and spell difficult words. They noticed a lot of changes in her. This Chinese New Year, my daughter again impressed our relatives and helped in kitchen.