
New Appointment for Assessment


Every child is unique. We would like to know more about your child.
Please Scroll down the flow-chart below to understand the appointment process.

Let’s BEGIN!
Start with Step 1 to Book an Appointment.
If you have made an appointment, LOGIN at step 2 to continue.

There are many steps!
Can I continue later?
Yes you can. Just return to Step 2 below and login. You may continue the process.

I have more than one child for assessment.
Please book individual appointment for each child. You may still use the same email for each booking.


START (scroll down)

请预约评估时间 Appointment Online

Provide your email and password during appointment. We will be sending you an email upon confirmation, and drop you a reminder a day prior to the appointment.

Appointment not done yet.
Step 1 - Book an Assessment Slot

成功预约后 After successfully made your appointment

请登录 Log-in to Proceed

Step 2 - Log-in Your Account

基本问卷 Basic Questions

This survey asks background questions on your child’s current and past experiences.

Survey not done.

Please book an appointment before taking survey.
Step 3 - Part 1 Online Survey

感关,肌动及情绪问卷 Sensory, Motor and Emotion Survey

This survey shall determine the extend of retained reflexes affecting your child’s sensory, motor, behaviour and emotion.

Survey not done.

Please complete 基本问卷 Fundamental Screening Survey before doing this.
Step 4 - Part 2 Online Survey

读写问卷 Reading and Writing Survey

This final part of survey looks into your child’s reading and writing abilities. If your child is younger than 4 years old you may skip the questions.

Survey not done.

Please complete 原始反射问卷 Reflex Survey before doing this.
Step 5 - Part 3 Online Survey

查收确认电邮 Check Your Email

Check your email for our appointment confirmation (also see your junk/spam folder if not found in inbox within 24 hours).
Please come on the date indicated in the email. It may be different from your chosen date.
Appointment made! Await for Confirmation Email

评估会面日 Attend Assessment

Assessment is best to come with your spouse in addition to your child.
Based on the result, we will also be recommending the appropriate level of program for your child.

呈上报名表格 Submit Sign-Up Form

Upon assessment, you will be advised on your options and strategy to help your child.
Step 6 - Sign-up for a Program

策划您孩子的个人化教育计划 Plan your child's IEP

Your child’s first PCM will be held once after signing-up a monthly program, and the long term goal set. Your child’s IEP will be reviewed monthly during the next PCM. We will guide and empower you with the necessary skillsets to help yourself and your child along the way.
Step 7 - Attend 1st Parents Consultation Meeting (PCM)

继续跟进您孩子的进展 Continue follow-up your child's progress

Upon successful PCM, switch to our parent service hub to follow-up with your child’s progress.


Access Parent’s Hub at:
https://breakthru.my/ using your same username and password.

Access Breakthru Parent Hub (launch in 2024)

If you can’t find an appointment date, give us a call at +603-4149 7977 or e-mail us at bestcentre@hotmail.com and indicate your preferred date and time.