In the effort of improving English communication skills and perhaps found some talent, our children attends English coaching sessions. Our annual telematch provides a great opportunity for them to practice their journaling skills. Below are some stories they wrote about this true event.
Story 1 by Kaeven Lee
The telematch is a great way to show to child’s parents that their child can do many awesome things when they are given the chance and space to explore.
The day started with getting things like the PA, Props and Games requirements ready before the children and parents arrive. We had to get the children to their specific stations while parents were directed to the spectators’ section.
Once everyone was ready, each team dressed in the team’s colour, was escorted out from each station to walk and wave to their parents. Then cheerful dancers with Pom-Poms came out to energize the crowd to support their teams.
The children and Interns performed two dances before the games began. One dance was called, ‘Hand Claps’ and the other, ‘Flag Runner’. There was a lot of excitement, just right for the games to begin.
There were five games. Each was designed to show different abilities and improvement in each child. After the prize giving ceremony, all the children head straight to the lunch corner. They deserved the feast after so much of hard work. It was a great day for the children and their parents. Everyone was happy and laughing. Then, one by one, they headed for home after a long, long day.
Story 2 by Chan Yi Hern
On the bright sunny morning of 11th April 2018, everyone at the centre was as busy as a bee, buzzing around for final checks and instructions for the imminent BEST Telematch 2018. The atmosphere was electrifying when songs and children’s excited voices juxtaposed in the air.
The apprentices and interns performed two interesting dances, the first was the rhythmic clapping dance cum exercise and the second was a beautiful show of fluttering colourful flags that represented the four teams taking part. Red, yellow, blue and green.
As soon as the dance ended, Emcees for the day, Mika and Mee Lai announced the start of BEST Telematch 2018. Hurrah!
Once the games began, the children and parents cheered and clapped wildly, urging their team members to go faster and complete their courses well. Everyone was rooting for their team. The participants were energetic, awesome and completely focused on completing their games.
The games were used to test abilities and assessed their learning development at the centre.
The apprentices also had their very own game called ‘Hula Hoop Relay’. They had to use hula-hoops to go toward the table where they huffed and puffed into a balloon and blow off cupcake cases. There was no mercy shown to their fellow apprentices. All in the spirit of competition and good fun.
All apprentices had been assigned duties for the day and helped in the training of the younger children. They did a wonderful job.
Perhaps, next year’s telematch could be held in a park with green grass and trees, more oxygen to energize everyone!
Story 3 by Jonathan Chooi
I arrived at the centre at 8 am and helped Aunties Mika and Mee Lai to set up the props and equipment for the telematch.
Emcees for the telematch were Aunties Mika and Mee Lai, and Rey. They introduced members of the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green Teams amidst cheers and claps from the spectators that included parents, friends, facilitators, guests and themselves.
The opening Pom-Pom dance got everyone shaking and dancing. That was a good form of exercise for all of us to loosen up and get ready. Then, the interns and apprentices performed the ‘Handclap’ and the ‘Flag Runner’ dances. I can see that everyone was entertained by the performances.
After the two performances, the Emcees announced the start of BEST Telematch 2018. Before each game, a team will be asked to demonstrate each game, after which the actual competition starts.
There was a lot of cheering and shouts of encouragement. It was a lot of fun and time for parents to watch their children enjoying themselves while showing off their abilities.
This year’s winner was the Blue Team. Second place went to the Yellow Team, followed by the Red and Green Teams.
As the day came to an end, Eddison and I was in charge of putting away all the equipment and props for the game. After all that, the interns and apprenticeship had a chance to challenge each other in a game of toilet paper rolling. We went crazy playing the game.
And last we will like to take a group photo, then the telematch is end, after that we help to keep all the thing back to the station.