Breezy Corner Looking Ahead

After all the busyness òf our talent time on 28/10/17, finally everyone’s schedule was back to normal. Wow! This is  our 11th project .
Today we offer papaya, ģuava ànd ciku. It’s the 1st time we selĺ ciku, let’s hope for positive responses !

Pŕoduction line sailed smoothly although we have less hands today.

Marketing man, Jonathan went round for sales as usùaĺ, approaching teachers and sòme parents às well. He went round steadily doing his sales until the very end.

Surprisingly çiķu  was sold out fast unĺìķe guavà and papaya. Sweetie ciku was specìally choose by the fruits sèlĺer. It was RM9.00 per kg,  not cheap at all. Prices for most things has gone up including fruits. Being a small buyer we could hardly get cheaper fruits. However, our fruits are freshly chosen. Today, our papaya were not so lucky. In the end, we gave some unsold juicy papaya to teachers as appreciation.

We had one feedback today.

1. Fruits are small for the price.

We will consider and study this carefully as each feedback helps us to strive to improve our service and entrepreneurship.

Once again thanks to management and teachers for the continuous support encouraging us to walk ahead.

Breezy Corner Will walk further to reach out to more.

More breezy fruìts to come !

Report  by
Chan Ýi Hern

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