It was a fun afternoon where Movement Based Learning (MBL) instructors and students learned about the latest developments and got their questions answered from the founder and author of MBL herself, Cecilia Koester, amidst cakes and coffee.
MBL Instructors and students taking opportunities to get their questions answered.
The tete-te-tete became a mini workshop as Cece took us through a group pre-activity, a building block activity and rounding off with a post-activity. There was a lot of laughter and a-ha moments.
Then Cece demonstrated certain refined developments or enhancements to some of the Building Block Activities (BBA). An example was the Core Activation which I experienced. Having the hand first holding the shoulder with a firm downward pressure made me fully aware of the muscles in my body and trunk and indirectly my stability, and it was as though I just switched on my system. I was able to meet the push and pull of a Core Activation with greater ease and confidence. Of course just having Cece do a demonstration on you made a whole lot of difference in your learning and appreciation of the building block activities. So people, jump at the chance of being a volunteer if there is an opportunity.
Cece also taught us a modification for Core Activation which, involves the hand holding the shoulder/hip firmly and pushing inwards in the direction of the navel. This pressure towards the navel connects the core muscles to the body’s centre of gravity and with that too, we will be more aware of the connections between our shoulders and hips for stable movements in all directions.
Bremen, a student, getting the “Cece” touch on a modification for Core Activation.
Besides re-examining, additions and fine-tuning of the 5 Building Block Activities, Cece also spoke about the career pathways and re-licensing procedures.
Cece and Phoebe answering questions during the tete-te-tete.
“This meeting is like a tutorial. I am more aware of and understand better the reasons for doing some of the BBA”, said Ivy See, an MBL instructor in training.
“Cece never fails to amaze me with her fun ways of using BBA for children and that she continues to fine-tune the methods for greater effectiveness”, added Christina Ho, an MBL instructor.
Cece explaining the fine-tuning of spinal walking and how the activity helps to establish the kinesthetic understanding of the left and right sides of the body.
“Yes, I like it that there is a personal relationship and whatever questions and concerns we have, we are able to address almost immediately”, quipped Shew Mee Lai, an MBL instructor.
At the end of the just too short two hours, we received much invaluable lessons and greater awareness on the specific movements and the reasons for the Building Block Activities. Even as Cece continues to better the techniques for greater effectiveness, likewise we the instructors and students have to continue to learn too.