The Third BEST Café is coming again! BEST Cafe will be held on 17 May 2014 from 10am to 3pm. Come and join us!! 万众期待的飞跃餐厅再次卷土重来啦!日期定于2014年5月17日。时间是早上10时至下午3时。
We are transforming our BEST Centre into a Cafe for a day and will be serving delicious foods designed by our master chef, Ms. Ngiam & her team of children. Our children are all eager to serve you! 我们会在一天里把飞跃中心设计成一个餐厅,所有的食物将由本中心的主厨—-严老师与孩子一手包办,而孩子们也将成为招待员服务客人。
More importantly, this is their (the children’s) entrepreneurship and fund raising project. They are raising fund to expand and further equip the kitchen they use to prepare even delicious food and to be a professional in the future. 更重要的是, 这也是一个筹募活动,是为了能购买更好的器具及扩展他们的厨房,好让他们可以学习专业的厨艺,有一技之长,发展孩童们的企业本能。
We sincerely invite all parents and siblings to participate as volunteers in supporting your child to carry out his/her duty and to make this event a greater success. Call us now if you want to volunteer. 我们与孩子们诚心地邀请您来参与及支持,看看孩子们专业的服务能力。我们也请您呼朋唤友来参与其盛!
Ms. Ngiam Chicken Chop Special.. Only at BEST Centre!
Chicken Chop Set comes also with mushroom soup and a mini fruit tart too.
Waffle Ice-Cream~ melt in your mouth
Full of chocolate goodness, chocolate muffins~
Premium Garlic Bread! 上佳品值的大蒜面包片
Osaka Cup Cake.. soft and fluffy~
Crunchy Cookies – Using best ingredients in the market~ You sure like it!
We need your support, please get a few coupons from us! 请多多支持购买固本!