Brain Gym: Alternative Support in Enhancing Learning and Self Esteem
What is Brain Gym?
Government agencies are sending people to learn about it.
How can it help me in my studies and my work?
What can help my special need child?
If you wish to know more about it, don’t miss the opportunity to attend this awareness talk. Only one day at BLC on the 26th of June, 2011.
Who should attend: Open to public. Parents, teachers, professionals and those who work with children in NGOs. School going children are encouraged to come together with parents!
In this special 3 hour event, participants will learn and understand
- How the brain develops,
- Factors that cause brain under stress,
- How to apply Brain Gym® movements to enhance
learning and self esteem of the children / students.
Participants shall experience a Brain Gym ® Balance called “5 Steps Learning Process” during the workshop.
Administrative Details
Speaker: Phoebe Long, Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor
Date : 26 June 2011 (Sunday)
Time : 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Venue : Bangsar Lutheran ChurchAdministrative fees :
RM40 per participant
RM70 per family
RM20 per NGO participant / Children ministries workersLight refreshments will be served. Net fees collected will be contributed to BLC (Bangsar Lutheran Church)’s building fund.
Please register online ASAP to facilitate administration and amount of refreshments: