Message from Pn Ngiam to all schools and government education institutions

After retiring from my teaching career for 34 years and as a Penolong Kanan Pendidikan Khas at Government schools, I have discovered more and more ways to help our students.

I hope that you will take the opportunity to attend some of the movement based learning programs to understand better why so many of our students behave differently than what we desire.

Understanding how our brain works help us to better understand our students too and provide the best support they need to be their best they can be. I would like to recommend the Brain Gym courses, BAVX and Rhythmic Movement Training programmes for all our teachers and students.

We would also be delighted to visit your school and present a 1.5 hours introductory workshop to your teachers. Some of the schools that we have visited including:

  • SJK Confucious KL
  • SK Bandar Sri Damansara 3
  • SMK Section 5
  • College Taj Ipoh
  • SK Taman Midah
  • SK Taman Maluri
  • SK Taman Segar



Let’s learn with moving to achieve a better future for our students. Please email us at

– Pn. Ngiam Lian Ai