A special workshop for therapists – occupational, speech, physical, and also parents and others.
The methods and techniques used in the workshop will be the Castillo Morales Method by Dr. Anna Regner and the Padovan Method by Stascha Kulen Gey. The workshop will encompass the following exercise program:
Swallowing, chewing, drinking, sucking, mastication, deglutation
- Breathing/ Respiration techniques
- Exercises with the vestibular oral screen
- Kinesiological procedures for speech related body movement
- Motor exercises for speech improvement
- Proper localization of speech organs like correct tongue position
Sensory-motor integration (vision, touch, hearing, smell, taste)
- Spatial orientation training for body muscle tension regulation
- Exercises for the re-education of the reflex-vegetative oral functions
- Facial muscle strengthening exercises
- Neuromotor face trigger points activated through tactile stimulation
- Facial massage using vibration and intraoral stimulation
NOTE: Please bring along a towel, yoga mat, hand gel and tissue.
Coordinators in Kuala Lumpur:Ms Fezia (+60193128437)
Mr Cheng YC (+6019-2288869)
Ms Phoebe Long (+6012-3292681)
Ms May Chuah (+60166910611)
Ms Ngiam (+6019-2253455)July 11, 12, 13, 14 2011, 9am-5pm( break for lunch 1.00 pm.- 2. 30 pm.)COST: RM 2,500Deposit of RM300 is required to secure your seat.
Please make check payable to:
“Brekthru Enrichment Station Sdn Bhd”Or to Malayan Banking Berhad Account No: 5-14066-13927-6
Intro of Castillo Morales MethodThe Therapy
The therapy orients itself on the normal sensory-motor development of the child. Proprioceptive events are brought into relief via treatment techniques involving, e.g., tension, pressure and vibration, and visual-spatial orientation is used as a comportment stabilizer. As a result, the children become more alert, responsive and motivated. They process signals in their environment better, become more capable of communicating and demonstrate an increased willingness to experiment. Much attention is given to the support function of the feet and the children are encouraged as soon as possible to assume an erect position (ideally orienting themselves on the bodies of their parents).
The Orofacial Treatment Concept (Orofacial Regulation Therapy)
EIn devising his orofacial treatment concept, Castillo Morales drew upon his extensive professional experience in working with children with lip, jaw and palatal clefts, and with children afflicted by Down syndrome.The concept is today applied in the treatment of patients with the most various of sensory-motor disorders in area of the face, mouth and throat. These include:
The therapy presupposes a comprehensive knowledge of muscular processes, various muscle functions, the development of the physiological functions of the orofacial complex and of the total-body complex, as well as the interaction of these systems. It is necessary that the treatment consider conditions of emotional, communicative and social development, as well as criteria centering on the autonomous development of the child.
Intro of The Padovan’s Method for Oral Functions Myotherapeutic ReeducationNeurological Organization and Re-organization
The Neurological Organisation is a dynamic and complex, yet natural, process that leads to the maturation of the Central Nervous System, making the patient able to fully develop his genetic potential and ready to acquire all his natural skills, including the power of locomotion, speech and thought. This Neurological Organisation, which can be simply defined as the Ontogenetic Development, is made up of the men’s natural development phases (rolling, creeping, crawling, etc…). These phases are significantly important during the process of acquiring a proper corporal structure and laterality (name given to the maturation of the central nervous system), making the patient able to control his body thoroughly. In other words, making him able to make all movements he needs to, whether voluntary or not.
The Neurological Reorganisation consists on going once more through all these men’s natural phases. This way, it fills eventual gaps left by the original Neurological Organisation.
Walking – Talking – Thinking
When the process of Neurological Organisation leaves some imperfection during its development, it is possible, through the Neurological Reorganisation, to impose each phase’s natural movements. The method uses certain exercises created to mimic the WALKING process, right from its early movements up to when the erect posture is reached, allowing the person to take control over space with rhythm and balance.
Working on the walking maturation, we subsequently achieve the TALKING process, which is also worked using exercises for the re education of the reflex-vegetative oral functions (respiration, sucking, mastication and deglutition)
Helping the patient to improve the way he expresses his feelings and emotions – psycho-emotional balance, we are actually working with the THINKING process, as well as with certain areas of the audio-visual perception (attention, discrimination, analysis, synthesis) and the development processes of speech, spontaneous language (fluency and rhythm) and reading and writing.
Hi, I would like to know regarding Orofacial Regulation & Oral Functions Myotherapeutic Reeducation Workshop. Will it held on 9-12 February as planned? because the flyer is not updated. Is this course still open for registration? Thank you.
Yes. The course is on and still open for registration. Sorry for the confusion as the old flier was with outdated dates. The dates are confirmed as 9-12 Feb 2012. Thank you for asking.