
April 2011 Brain Gym Course Available

Since the 1980s, the field of Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K)- the study of movement and its relationship to learning – has touched people of all ages and cultures. It demonstrates that, when the neuropathways for movement are fired, they activate and connect the whole brain in the synergistic way necessary for growth and change.

In the spirit of true education, we in Edu-K do our best to accept ourselves as individuals with unique challenges and great potential. We seek to meet ourselves where we are, honour that place, and stay open to learning at our own pace, for our own intrinsic worth. As a participant / student of Brain Gym (R) courses, you will now have a perpetual opportunity to move through the rich landscape of your own sensory integration. As you rediscover the physical skills involved in your personal/child/students’ learning process, you’ll realise how each one of us is engaged in lifelong odyssey of growth.

Brain Gym Lazy 8

We are pleased to inform you that our next Brain Gym courses have been scheduled commencing 2 April 2011. Summary of the training are as follows:

2, 3, 9 & 10 April 2011  – Brain Gym Workshop (English)

from 9am-6.30pm on 2nd and 9th April (Saturdays) and
from 2pm-7pm on 3rd and 11th April (Sundays)

Each class is limited to 12 participants only. The next BG101 course will have to wait until June 2011. We look forward to your participation.

Please email all completed registration forms to bestcentre@breakthru.com.my or call 012-3292681 for further enquires.