After my son was rejected by two kindergartens, my wife and I sought professional help. He was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by a psychologist at four years old and later with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) . As parents, we were confused and did not know how to help our child.
Being full-time professionals, my wife and I struggled for time. Many times, we missed our son’s appointments with his occupational and speech therapists. Then, we were introduced to BEST Centre by our OT. In two months, we noticed a great leap in our son’s development.
We understand that our child, now six years old, is at his prime learning age. We also realize that besides the external assistance, we also need to give him our best support. This desire led me to temporarily resign from my job. My wife and I attended the Brain Gym (R) 101 International Certificate Course. During the course, I discovered the need of change in my attitude and the missing part in search of strategies to solve my child’s learning problem. Learning the Brain Gym ® course helped me to integrate my new initiative and reinforce willingness to implement my goals.
I also signed up for Diploma in Special Need Education at the Linguistic Council and attended many other workshops. In this journey, I discovered more creative ways to communicate with my son, which include replacing TV hours with outdoor activities like kicking ball and swimming.
In a few months, we noticed that our son was able to better manage his behavioral problems. He is now more willing to adapt to changes and is more obedient, too.
Mr Chong