Many dyslexic children also have problems comprehending the vocabulary and symbols used in mathematics. It is also a common problem that these children will be confused with math symbols that look similar. Likewise, they often reverse numbers, which lead to errors when performing simple calculations and arithmetic.
Despite facing the above mentioned difficulties, a dyslexic child could further improve in math/s if he/she begins to feel more confidence about it and enjoys the process of learning math/s. Below are some strategies parents and teachers could apply:
Set up a specific time to do math together
Sit down with the child to help him with math homework/assignment.
Build a connection between math and his/her daily living
Using examples of math from bills and home repair projects can show the child the relevant role that math plays in a grown-up world.
Learning math/s in fun ways using
Snacks i.e. candies, m&ms can be used to add or subtract parts.
Games that involve math concepts e.g Board games, computer/online games.
Online Tutoring lessons that combine fun math games with personalized instruction so that the child get to have fun and lots of extra help with math.
Individualized Independent activity sheet
Prepare appropriate individualized independent activity sheet for the child that allows him to succeed at every attempt of working on the math questions.
Help the child to discover his/her own error
Help the child to discover any errors by saying, “Why don’t you check that one again?”
The math children use in school is just a formal application of all kinds of daily experiences. A dyslexic child who struggles with math at school doesn’t need constant drilling of specific problem. He/She needs varied experiences that allow him/her to work with numbers in a hands-on and fun ways. When the math/s concepts have been woven into his/her perspective, he/she’ll be better equipped to handle the formal arithmetic encounters in the classroom and his daily living.
Technorati Tags: Strategies to improve in math,build connection,fun ways,discover own errors,individualised independent activity sheet,difficulties with comprehension,process of learning math