Breakthru Enrichment Station
A Transformative Developmental Centre for Neurodivergent Children with Focus on Psycho-social Development and Family Dynamics
Our goal is to see all children and youth with special learning needs develop into confident, independent and contributing members of society.
In line with this vision, we developed an education process known as Breakthru Approach using the 3P.L.A.Y Framework. It integrates methods such as Brain Gym, Movement Based Learning and Rhythmic Movement as part of the neuro-development process, in addition to daily behavioural modification sessions to respectfully prepare your child for learning readiness within an emotional safe space, and lots and lots of interaction and confidence building opportunities at our centre.
Our education philosophy is to draws out the age-appropriate innate potential of your child. Using an improvised IEP system, we work closely with you to establish your child’s psychosocial developmental needs to give your child the best opportunity to breakthrough! Our trained Developmental Facilitators focuses on building your child’s independence, confidence and interaction by starting from where he/she is capable of, and grow him/her towards his/her desired state in an emotionally healthy environment. Where specific theraphy is needed, appointed OT/PT/ST will be called in to provide further support to your child in a cohesive and consistent manner.
You will find your support and training here at Breakthru Enrichment Station. We are here to walk with you.
Applying The Principle of Safe Space for Child Directed Learning within Boundaries
A child will need to feel safe in order to be calm and reach out to the world. Safe to make mistakes, safe to choose. Learning happens when he or she begin to recognize pattern within a provided context or boundaries.
Our centre’s objective is to help children and teenagers to breakthrough their learning challenges, which includes:
- Dyslexia & Dyscalculia
- Language difficulty
- Developmental Coordination Disorder
- Underachievement
- Poor Concerntration
- Social Communication
- Difficulty fitting in regular schooling environment
Children that came to our centre to develop their independence, confidence and interactions including those who demonstrates:
- Autism
- Asperger
- Down Syndrome
- William Syndrome
- Angelman Syndrome
Our In-Presence Programmes

Structured and unstructured play sessions infused with specialised play equipments.

Individual coaching for functional breakthroughs and primitive reflexes integration.

Small group session for early intervention and behaviour transformation experience.

Small group session for self confidence, behaviour transformation and opportunity to learn elementary school / academic at the child’s level and pace.

Living skillset development and work readiness.

Achieving Goals
Parents and Family Dynamics are always our focus on bringing true change
In addition, with provide training, information, consultation to parents and family members in order to see consistent result in their children’s development. We often discuss and plan with parents the necessary independent service program for their child, the way to be warm and respectful, and walks along with the child’s growth to see his or her eventual “graduation” into inclusion school, vocational trainings or job employments.

Schedule a meeting at a few locations:
Pick a time that you would like to bring your child for our internal assessment.
Pn Ngiam Lian Ai

Vocational Programmes
Ngiam Lian Ai, was a specialist Domestic Science teacher, and retired as an Assistant Principal of the school PPKI (Special Education Integration Program). In that time(?)She was also a counsellor and advisor for vocational expertise, bringing awareness and initiating training for students with special needs in government schools and non- profit organisations. She has more than 30 years of teaching experience. Helping people with special needs is close to her heart. During her husband, Lim Wah Heng’s career as a teacher for the blind, they opened up their home to nurture and care for blind children who needed support notwithstanding that they also have their 3 girls, Melissa, Melodi and Joy, to care for. At Breakthru Enrichment Station, she has established the baking and cooking curriculum so that the students who came her way would learn a vocation and skill that would be useful and possibly critical for their future. One story of success is Elaine, who came to Breakthru Enrichment Station as a suicidal 9 year old and later transformed into a successful baking professional who is well-appreciated by her employer as a valuable staff.
Ms Phoebe Long

Developmental Programmes
Phoebe Long has over 20 years of experience teaching children, teenagers and young adults who have behavioural or learning challenges. The Montessori- trained teacher has served as headmistress and principal of two kindergartens using the FunGates system. Seeing the need, she later founded Breakthru Enrichment Station for special needs children together with her mentor, Ngiam Lian Ai, an award-winning former assistant headmistress of a government school with 34 years of teaching experience. The centre was awarded the Best Special Needs Developmental Centre by Babytalk + Papamama Reader’s Choice Award in 2018. As an international faculty member of the US-based Educational Kinesiology Foundation, Phoebe is a mentor to instructors of Brain Gym®, Movement Based Learning, Rhythmic Movement Training International and Touch for Health™ programmes. She conducted training in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan and Spain, and presented papers on the 3 P.L.A.Y. strategy in Canada, South Korea, Thailand and Germany. In addition, she trains counsellors and psychologists from Malaysia Social Welfare Department. She also constantly shares her expertise with higher learning institutes, parent support groups and NGOs. Her social involvement includes being the President of Parents And Community Empowerment Association, Vice President of Malaysia Brain Gym Association, Adviser of Malaysian Specialized Kinesiology Association and a pioneer of the Annual Special Needs Children Family Camp in Malaysia.
Btw, we are a recognised Social Enterprise (Asas)
in addition to supporting neurodivergent's developmental needs
We also provide the following through our sister company Breakthru Academy. WhatsApp us for applications at +6012 2858 957

Internship & Junior Staff
Social Enterprise Employment
We Provide Job Opportunities For Specially-abled Teenagers

University Placement Practicums
Welcome University Students or Volunteers to Join Us for their internship.

Public Coaching
Public Schools and Society Projects
We also conduct on the job training, awareness and professional coaching to communities